Wednesday, November 30, 2005
15 Minutes
I love it when we get our 15 minutes of fame. It is not my turn. I am very excited for my friend. It's his time to shine. He works so hard in an industry that he loves.
There was a write up in the Houston Chronicle about the Nutcracker Ballet put on by the Houston Ballet.
I went to see this ballet a few years ago. When I was growing up, my sister-in-law always wanted to go, but we never did. Andrew gave me some comp tix and off I went with my friend Keith. Another friend was working the Box Office that particular day. She moved my seats - BOX SEATS! That is how one should see the ballet. I was on the edge of my seat - watching. Suddenly transported in a fairyland- another world where my inner child was just in awe. I will always treasure that experience. Thank you Andrew.
You can read more about the write-up HERE. Enjoy your Fifteen Minutes of Fame, my friend - you've earned it.
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Nice when a deserving person who works for the joy of the craft gets some attention. Not the Brittney kind of attention.
The rewards of life come to those who do, not to those whomerely read, talk or day dream, Action is the key.
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