Friday, December 22, 2006


It's Not the Sunset, BUT The Dawn

So here is a picture that Little Man took in South Korea. It is actually a sunset. Isnt that just beautiful? I love sunsets and sunrises. I love that there are times when I cant tell one from the other. Almost like a moment in time where I cant tell whether it is starting or ending.

There is a song that says something like that. "It's not the sunset but the dawn, a time when memories linger on." we sang that in my fifth grade graduation. I was in the choir. That's the only line I remember tho. I;m getting off topic.

The point is, I have not been blogging. I have been keepinga journal tho. and that writing has helped tremendously. I have not had time or been wliing to make the time, to read blogs much less write in my own blog.

So here is the deal. I have not gone away, I am still here.


It is not the sunset but the dawn, a new begining.

Great picture and I am glad you posted.
2006 Sunset
2007 Sunrise
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