Thursday, September 28, 2006



I am so excited. I am off the see the Serene Silver Fox in New Jersey. I have been looking forward to this trip and spending time with her. I was once told that no one could actually inspir you, but they could set the stage for inspiration to happen. I know that is what will happen.

We are gonna spend time on the farm. We are gonna go to Atlantic City for a day. And of course eat all the Asian food we can fit in ourselves. maybe there will be other places. All I know is that we will be like two giddy school girls. I need that so much - to just be me and chill with someone that has no judgement, no expectation, no rules; other than having fun, of course.

I will be sure to write about the trip with all of it's details upon my return.

PS I know I have not been blogging. I have some thoughts every now and then. I keep thinking that my life is just not that interesting. That there is nothing to write about. If the muses come to me during this long weekend, hopefully that will change. Actually, I will re-phrase that. The muses will come to me and I will be inspired to blog more frequently. =)

Blogging does not require interesting. It only requires life. And, for me, gratitude.

Have a great trip.
I hope you are having a great time!!
So when do we get to hear about your fabulous trip with SSF????
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Hello. Good day
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