Thursday, April 13, 2006


Reminiscing & Connecting & Smiling

I got phone call earlier this evening from a friend of mine that has gone to the Bikram Yoga Teacher Training to be certified to teach Bikram Yoga. She was giving me an update on the first week and especially the goings on for the day. She also referred me to a blog from one of the students. check it out. Humunk Humunk I read it and was just pulled into his writing for three reasons:
1. It was reminiscent of my experience in teacher training
2. I felt connected to him because we share a common hobby, and experience
3. I smiled. I smiled from ear to ear.

It has been three years since I went thru teacher training. An experience that i would not trade or give up for anything in the whole wide world. After I finished the training, I knew then that I could accomplish anyuthing in life. NO matter how difficult (physically or mentally).

As I read on in Chris' blog, I found myself wanting more Bikram. I wan to call Om Yogi and tell him I will meet him at the Teacher Training. To go back to LA and practice with Bikram, Raj, & Emmy. I know that I belong to a bigger community that is there to help me. I also found myself thinking about all the great friends I made during the training. ALL OVER! NY, DC, San Franciso, Austin, Dallas, Colorado, and so on. People I have only known for three years yet we speak regularly and see each other when we can. A great bunch of friends brought together by Bikram Yoga.

I have been a slacker recently. Not really practicing or making the time. I barely teach, a wekend here or there. I felt motivated to return to my practice. When I practice, I am usually beating myself up. I know I can do better or more and then I have to remember that it comes with time. I have to be consistent in order to get the results. Right after the yoga training, MAry Christmas took some pictures of me in the postures at our friend's pool. I felt so proud of my body and my poses. Now, well, I am struggling again with body image and weight. So, I plan on reading Chris' blog and continue on this path. I am so glad I was sent to blog. It reminded me as to why I started my blog. To share with others that, no matter what, we can find a place of peace regardless of what is going on in our lives. That is the greatest gift Bikram gave me. My pearl of wisdom if you will. Of course, he says "Don't let anyone steal your peace." I just simply put it in a better grammatical state.
So as you go througout your day today,

"Let No One Steal Your Peace"

Toe Stand Posted by Picasa

That happens less and less as I continue into sobriety.

Don't do da Yoga ting, tho.
That is a cool special effect!!!
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