Friday, December 02, 2005


What The F***!!!

When I was going to the yoga training, a few years ago, I realized that I was gonna be practicing twice a day - A LOT! So, Being the good gay boy that I am, I just had to have several fits (outfits/costumes) to wear. I usually wear a squarecut bathing suit - and they can be kind of expensive. I learned a trick. Go to the store to try on a few and then write down their label info and order them online - much cheaper and the exact same bathing suit. I found a great site that did really well by me - I think I ordered five that first time.
The site is I get regular emails from this site. I just received one..... What The Fuck!??! That was my very first thought when I saw the image below.

It being the Holidays and all, the first image on that email was atrocious to me. A Fashion Felony, an unforgiveable sin, a offense to the Gods of Good Taste....

I cant believe anyone would wear such a thing! This is just one instance where, even if the guy wearing this would be HOT as Ryan Reynolds, I'd have to kick him out (yes, even out of bed!).... only after a good talking to on tasteful undies fashion during the holidays, or just in general. (of course I know Ryan would never wear such unmentionables)

That being said! The Holidays are here! Woooo-Hoooo!

If it was someone as hot as Ryan Reynolds, I'd suggest that you simply make the guy take off the offending shorts. Immediately.
that pic is no elf
oh, my!
That underwear site scares me.
He looks "happy" to be wearing them, but I think they should be ripped off! NOW!
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