Thursday, November 24, 2005
When I first got sober, I heard the difference between being grateful and being thankful summarized like this: If you borrow your mom's car to go on an interview you return it in one piece, not wrecked, and say Thank You. When you are grateful, you return the car in piece, you fill up the tank, clean the car, hand over the keys and say Thank you.
Five years and 7 months ago, yesterday was the last time I drank or did drugs.
Five years and 7 months ago, today I came to.... and was "THERE" again. Two days later, when I got out I did something about my problem. I never want to forget that. I never have to go "there" again.
Today I am grateful for:
My sobriety date - today it does not have to change.
My best friend - he is always there
My little dog. Coco - she is so precious to me.
My mom and family. Their health.
My friends and family of choice. They lift me up.
Getting to meet Jim and Dan
Seeing my friends, Christopher & David
Lambda Center - enough said!
The guys and girl that I sponsor.
The YOGA – Namaste
My Fearless Leader in San Fran
My Sponsor - soooooo patient.
The Southern Belle in New Orleans
LLama Lady - such inspiration, hope, strength, beauty.
Work, work, work, - some people dont have it.
My new car - Lupe! so beautiful and still has the new car smell.
My own health.
The Houston Round Up - our theme this year, Desire: The Only Requirement
For Having that DESIRE
For Peace
I could go on and on. There is a lot to be thankful for.... There is much to be grateful for. I know the Holidays can be nerve-wrecking especially being around family.
As you go through your day today, remember......
Let No One Steal Your Peace