Monday, November 07, 2005


So Sorry Sally

Meet Sally. That is what I named my 93 Lexus SC300. She was a present to myself for my 2nd Anniversary. I got her in April of 2003 from Mary Christmas' cousin. Timing was right. I had a little money. I was also very tired of driving back and forth to New Orleans in my Jeep Wrangler with a torn canvas top. No matter how many times I replaced that canvas top, it would tear and it was a bitch to have that damn thing flap in the wind. So, for a while I had two cars. It was nice to drive around in the Jeep topless, BUT I Loved driving Sally around.

Not quite a month after I got her, a huge branch fell from a pecan tree during a fell right across Sally. Got that fixed. About six months later, a lady was backing out of her parking spot, while I was parked in mine at the SubWay, and she just backed up into Sally. A year later, I was rear ended by a taxi cab - minor but still had damage. The very next day, some one hit Sally either pulling in or backing out of their space at the Center. Jeez! Ok there is one more. I was in Austin, a year ago September, and got a little turned around as to where I was going. While on the feeder road, I was not looking and changed lanes, hitting the car next to me. OOOOPS! Minor accident, no one was hurt, but there was damage again!

Sally has been a great car. She has been great to me. We have travelled a lot of miles together. We drove to Los Angeles, California to the Bikram Yoga training. Just the two of us on that wide open road. I-10 the whole way. I can honestly say that this is the very first car I took very, very good care of. Maintenance was all done. When things broke, they were repaired immediately.

She has been having a few problems lately. During my little "rough patch" in late August/early September, she overheated and I had the radiator replaced. At thatpoint, my mechanic said, "Boy! You better get you a new car. You are just gonna keep bring this one bak to me and sink a lot of money in it." I took his words to heart. She was not picking up when I presses the accelerator like she used to. She was also starting to have a hard idle - a shudder almost.

When I went to get her inspected and she failed the emmissions test,I had to the the mechanic's words to heart. They did not tell me exactly how, they just gave me paper and said I should take her to a mechanic and they could do the work. That was it.

So I am getting a new car...... So sorry Sally!

are you getting a hummer?

(i mean, the suv)
So glad to see you blogging again.
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