Thursday, October 06, 2005


Jaded Approaching Bitter

I had a conversation with my guy again. He does not seem to get that I need space and time to get over him. He wants to hangout and call me and talk - like nothing happened. I understand that. I am not able to offer that right now. I am being a bit selfish, but I have to watch out for my own well being. I am doing this without hurting anyone - you know, being mean or ugly to get him to leave me alone.

However, each time we talk I end up being even more sad and frustrated. I get into an isolation mode. I do not want to venture out. I will eat a can of green beans for dinner instead of going out to the grocery store or any restaurant. I am truly wishing all of this was over. I know that it will take time. I know that this guys is sweet and nice and all that stuff. He just needs to leave me alone.

So my solution (my slutions sometimes scare me by the way) to this is to find a new. That old saying, 'best way to get over a guys is to find a new one'. I have been chatting to a guy on line for bout 9 months. We finally spoke on teh phone last weekend. He seems like a nice guy. We seemed to have a lot in common. Similar ways of thinking. So we made plans to go out to dinner. I called him this evening around 6 and left a message. We had plans for about 7:30. I called again at 7 and left another message. hmmmmm
I logged on. There he was. I emailed him: "Is this your correct number?" followed by the number. He replied yes and that his wireless sometimes screwed up the signal. I left it at that.

I got stood up. I GOT STOOD UP! ughhhh!

Going back to my orignal guy and in light of the new guy standing me up. Well, this is what I did.

I called Mary Christmas (he is in Dallas) and we talked. I went on and on and on. Not being too nice. Saying things like, "I wish that fucker would just leave me alone" I know I don't think of him that way. I am just tired. I went on to say things like' "that's it! I am not dating anymore. I am gonna go back to what I know. Screw 'em and leave 'em!." Although this can be fun, I am still end up alone. I have a rep among my friends about not letting guys spend the night. It's true. I don't like that. That has not been the case. Talk about getting out of my comfort zone by letting this guy spend the night - A LOT! So then I said, "I am gonna concentrate on my work. Do the things that are in front of me. I am done with guys. I have to be honest, girls are looking pretty good right now." Crazy thinking of course. "Guys are no good. I am gonna use them and that's that!"

Mary Christmas just replied. "Sounds like you are Jaded going on Bitter."

we laughed and nothing else was said.

NO man is worth eating canned green beans over.

At the very least, get some frozen thin green beans. Boil them in water for a couple of minutes, then drain them, and toss them in a pan with a teaspoon of olive oil, a large pinch of kosher salt, and a clove of garlic, finely minced. A grinding of pepper is also a good idea.
Darling, no one should steal your peace. Remember what Lee used to say: "Never mind what a guy says... watch his feet!" Sounds like this guy is getting off to being unavailable.
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