Saturday, September 24, 2005



I went to my friend's house to "weather the storm" Or "hunker down". ( I learned some new expressions in the last couple of days.) The latest reports said that RITA would be bypassing us altogether. We had fun. Watched TV for new updates. Made fun of some of the ridiculous questions being asked by viewers. And then came up with some of our own. We had dinner and talked. Eventually we went to bed. I think I fell asleep around midnight.

I woke up at 6:20 am. I immediately looked out the window and saw the lights on at the church across the street. When I was walking thru the house, I realized there was no power. No biggie. We were expecting this. I let Coco out, and noticed that the fence on the side of his house fell. No biggie, minor damage.

We listened to the new reports. No flooding in Houston, down power lights, power outages in sporadic areas, some fallen trees, lots of limbs and leaves. Whew! So, I decided to come back home. It was spooky driving when no one else was on the road. Lots of traffic lights were out - some were hanging. When I got home, everything looked good. My power was out. Again, no big deal. I pulled up the blinds all around the house. I still had to light some candles though - THANK GOD I AM A CANDLE WHORE! I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. Emptying out all the containers of water, taking the tape off the windows, putting all those picture frames back where they belonged. ( I love my pictures, so many memories. I picked them all up and put them in a huge plastic storage bin. In my head this was gonna keep them safe.) So basically, just undoing all the preparations for the hurricane. I was putting away some stuff and thought it was kinda hot so I was gonna open a window for a breeze. In my bedroom, I felt a breeze that took me by surprise cause I had not opened a window yet. YAY! The ceiling fan was on. Power had come back on. I drained the bathtub of the water and took a hot shower and went to a meeting.

After the meeting, we tried to go eat. One place was open with a single item menu. It was kinda hot so we each went home and ate in our respective houses. I still kept on with the clean up. I went to birthday night. It was nice. After we tried to go eat again. I had called around and found one coffee shop open. They do serve sandwiches and pizza and lots of different cakes. No one wanted to go there. So we went to a Mexican Restaurant. They ran out of food. We went to a Chinese restaurant, you had to order beef dish and wait about an hour or so and it was take out. We went to a Mediterranean restaurant, THEY WERE SUPER PACKED! ughhh! So we ended up at the Hollywood coffee Shop. About 30 of us. I love AA's. The don't do anything small. It took forever to order as there was a huge line. When we got to the counter, we ordered cake to eat while we waited on our food. It was nice to hangout and catch up and tell our little war stories. I am sure that tomorrow, the city will become alive again. All those that evacuated will come home. We still have gasoline shortages. That will take care of itself with time too.

Whew! I guess we were lucky on this one.

We were incredibly lucky on this one.
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