Friday, September 23, 2005
Running From Rita
That was the headlines yesterday. The freeways have been jammed as evacuees are trying to get out of the city. Cars have been stranded on the side of the road because they ran out of gas. Goddess Mother and Bubbles left Wed night at 11:30pm heading to San Antonio. She called me at 6:30 am and was just at I-10 and Highway 6. That is only 20 or so miles! 7 hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic and had just traversed 20 miles. wow!
The latest reports say that it may not be as bad as originally thought. Rita is now a Category 4 hurricane. Houston is on the "Clean" side now which is good. Of course, one never knows what will happen. Hurricanes are so unpredictable.
I want to say that I have been touched by how many people have called to ask how I am doing and some to offer a place to stay. Everyone from New Jersey to San Francisco and all points in between. You know, I cherish my friendships very much. I kept getting phone calls while doing hurricane preparation. THIS WAS A VERY WELCOME DISTRACTION. I was very busy yesterday cleaning up the back yard. Bringing everything in could be fly around and become a missile causing damage to whatever it hits. I have filled so many containers with water, it is not funny. One bathtub is filled already. The other one will be filled as soon as I finish this and take a shower.
My family is fine. Everyone is already in place where they plan to stay. I was going to go to The Woodlands, but changed my mind. It may be hard to get back home from way up there. Instead I am going to Maxeen's. Who knows, maybe we will play Canasta all night long.
I want to say that I have been a bit worried. I have never been thru this before. I know that whatever will be, will be. I have been praying. I have taken time to be still. There is such a peace in stillness. The phrase that kept coming to mind was "Be still and know that I am God." This was not in some religious way. It was more of a peaceful, "I am taking care of you" way. I believe that I am a child of God's. I believe that God watches over me. (how else could i have survived being such an alcoholic and drug addict) I had a over whelming feeling of humility. Being humble before a power so much greater than myself. A Higher Power that would most certainly know what is best for me. I told the Fearless Leader when she called that what I wanted was to be a 5 year old child. To raise my hand up and have an grown up come by and take my hand to lead me as I do not know what to do. Reminded me of the prayer of Sir Thomas Merton. "I have no idea where I am going......My desire to please you, does in fact please will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it." (just a few phrases-not the whole prayer) Yesterday morning the Southern Belle called me from Louisiana and said "Get a pen. We are making a list. I just went thru this a few weeks ago. Let's do this now while you are still calm." Is that not my fears being solved? A "grown up" (one who has been thru this and has more experience that me) taking my hand and leading me. THANK YOU!
I made my list. I have crossed off just about everything. The car is loaded. I am going to go to Maxeen's house. I will leave around noon.
Oh, one last thing. I went to an AA meeting last night. The leader was being a DICK! Said to please share on topic. "If we were going to share about the hurricane he would cut us off." WHATEVER! I had not been to a meeting since Monday. I needed to be around people that may have the same fears as me. TO KNOW THAT I AM NOT UNIQUE! Just because he was tired of hearing people share about the hurricane does not mean that WE are not affected by this still. He does not know what I should be sharing about. Several people spoke up and then many people left the meeting. One of the guys that left the meeting simply stated, "Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern." i waited a bit, got a bit worked up then left too. I talked to someone for while in the lobby. The group of people that left started a meeting in a different room. what's that saying, " All you need to start a new AA group is a coffee pot and a resentment." lol
I realized I had been sucked into RITA. That is all I have been watching. So I came home and watched a movie. I already felt better from having talked to someone. I also had a good night's sleep. YAY!
in closing. What I have learned thru this:
Prayer and meditation are KEY to letting no one steal my peace.
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Not exactly the kind of "rita" I was hoping for this weekend...
I'm jealous you will be spending ALL weekend long at Casa Maxxeen! Something tells me the Wigwam on Wigton will never be the same....
I'm jealous you will be spending ALL weekend long at Casa Maxxeen! Something tells me the Wigwam on Wigton will never be the same....
I heard about the Thursday night meeting. I would have walked out too. Whoever, it was must be quite proud of themselves.'ll be fine. I've been through two of these things, a cat 1 and a cat 3. Rita has weakened...and it sounds like you're already prepared.
You'll be in my thoughts. :-)
You'll be in my thoughts. :-)
I heard a lot of buzz about this incident. Some are sicker than others. I repeat that all the time. Still I wonder who was
Thank you!
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