Thursday, September 01, 2005


Mother Nature Has A Name

With a very powerful and destructive force, she came in. There was rain and wind and certainly rising water. She picked up everything she could and used it in her favor. Using all of her resources, she devastated New Orleans. Mother Nature, named Katrina for now, was relentlessly violent. So many people evacuated. I am just still in awe. So many people displaced - those fortunate enough to leave. So many people ravaged and left to fend for themselves with comforts we have all come to EXPECT. No water, no food, no electricity, no shelter. Instead there was just enough of the opposite. My heart goes out to all of the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

I am so sad. I had not heard from the Southern Belle. He went to Florida to escape Katrina. I heard from him today. FINALLY! I was so worried. First I had a voice mail. I was moved to tears of joy, and tears of powerlessness, tears of frustration. He was stranded in Mississippi in a shelter for 3 days. He said it was very sad. He still has a job - only few can say this. He was able to get gas although it would take a few hours due to the long lines already forming. I am sure he was probably gouged by the price as well. He said that this was truly a humbling experience. I was a bit mad. A bit mad at God! Of all the people I know, there is not a more giving person that Michael! How could this happen. He is very involved in St Vincent De Paul in his Parrish in New Orleans - I've been with him. Every Saturday at the food bank, going out to see people that need help to pay their utility bills. Every Monday, meetings on how to better serve parishioners. Very involved in Gay Rights. A soul driven to give - selflessly. How could this happen when to him.

I also have another friend who moved to New Orleans last week, on Monday to be exact. Last week was his first week at his new job. His belongings arrived via movers on Friday. He had to evacuate on Sunday. He is safe here in Houston. I wonder if he still has a job. Probably not. No one does. My heart goes out to him. He really has lost everything.

I am proud to be a Texan and a Houstonian today. We have opened our great city to our neighbors in Louisiana - the New Orleanians. WELCOME. So many evacuees are being transferred from the Superdome in New Olreans to the AstroDome in Houston. So many Houstonians have stepped up and volunteered our most valuable asset - time. From every walk of life, of every age, shape, creed, color,and socio-economic class. You see, when disaster strikes we are all alike - human. And we are doing what we can to help our fellow human beings.

I went with two sponsorees today to volunteer at the Houston Food Bank. This is food that will be taken to the AstroDome to feed our guests from New Orleans. It filled my heart to see them work so hard to help others. You see, one of them is only 4 days sober. The other is 40 days. It was amazing to show someone with 4 days that we can make a difference in other people's lives. And as for the 40 day guy, this was his idea. We ha so much fun, cutting up and cracking up at the same time working very hard. It made me feel good to know that I was repaying a kind act that someone had given to my friend while in Mississippi. It also made me feel good because, after all is said and done, we all need a kind act from someone from time to time.

If you can, please send any donations to the American Red Cross. These people need our help. New Olreans really has been wiped out. There are no jobs to go back to. It was reported that it may take as long as three, 3, tres, months just to have power restored. What are these people to do? You kindness will make a difference in many people's lives.

Red Cross

I want to Thank DAIGLE for posting the code for the Red Cross link. Makes it easy for those of us that are new to this and are a bit of HTML CODE challenged. :)

I know of your worry with friends you can't contact in these moments life throws at you. You're very fortunate to have heard from them. Now all we can do is help in the clean up, feed and house our friends and citizens. Life will go on, it will take all of us to make it so.
I am glad that Southern Belle was able to get out. Tell him that we are all praying for his well being. If we are feeling frustrated, you know he must be feeling even worse. After all, it's his beloved city that is under brackish water.
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