Sunday, August 07, 2005


Trip Pictures

I had so much fun on my trip. I truly enjoyed spending time with my Guru, spritual guide, eating buddy, shopping gal-pal, and sweet, sweet friend. Thank you! Thank you for being a wonderful hostess. The previous posts were written while I was on the trip. I did not really want to mess with blogging but knew I would not want to forget my thoughts and what I was feeling.

I got back from New York late Tuesday night and turned around Wednesday morning to fly to New Olreans for work. I was very exhausted. I got home from New Orleans Friday night and jut needed a day (Saturday) to try and get back in my groove. So here are some pictures of the trip.

The mailbox had balloons on it so I would not miss it. As if I would miss the only house on the hill!

Cold Winter Manor. This is what I named the house on top of the hill.

The bed I slept in. It was cold in that room.

These were on the mirror in the bathroom. She thinks of everything.

The beautiful animals

Someone was licking dirt..or at least sticking her nose where it did not belong. :)

This one was grazing....lazily. I guess that the equivalent if breakfast in bed.

This is noir. She nipped me.

My favorite one. Sweet Wobi Mina. That means White Again. He is precious. he woudl let you pet him by rubbing under his neck. (hmmm. kinda like me) He really was my favorite. This series is getting ready for me to pet him. tehn having a snack. Then taking a little rest. (hmmm. again, kinda like me)

The post office. I swear, I really thought I was in Green Acres. It was very cute.

An adorable farm house on the side of the road. They are all over.

The Llama Lady walking toward the creek.

She took a picture of me too. I was on rock in the middle of the creek as you can see.

The Alpaca Whisperer. He was showing me the shoot. This is where we put each animal to then do our work.

Llama Lady prepares for work. I was a bit scared. Yes that is a glove. And yes that is what you think it is in those tubes.

The Alpaca Whisper holding 'em steady.

Me doing my part. Applying the advantage-like stuff.

Alpaca Pedicures

Something caught my eye that made me look dumbfounded as the Llama Lady took this.

Llama Lady talking to them.

The Alpaca Whisperer at work. He could get them to do anything.

Goofing off after a long day's work. The Alpaca Whisperer is Vogue-ing. I think Madonna released that album the year he was born.

Playing on the tractor.

going for a ride. Ya'll come back now, ya'hear.

This is a sign on some country road. It says "Watch out for some fools riding a tractor."


GREAT pix Cisco!!
Thanks for sharing.
Your description of your trip now has photography to illustrate it that is gorgeous. What a gradn time you must have had!

Goddess Mama
It does what it is told! LOL :) j/k awesome pics Cisco I am so glad you posted them. Your Alpaca whisperer is a hottie. Loved the part about him vogueing to the cd that Madonna released the year he was born. I laughed so hard. Thank you for commenting on my blog btw. I cracked up on the "here boi here comment whore" loved it so funny. You stuff is great I am glad you are blogging keep 'em coming
Great pics my dear. It's nice to see someone else living their bliss and connecting so closely with friends and family as a matter of routine and not when it suits them. City boy on the farm, you did look a bit blown away at times and riding in the bucket of the tractor, how fun was that? Very white trash form of transportation.
Glad you're home safe
oh,the llamas are so cute. i would have spent all day feeding them and patting them on the head.
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