Monday, July 11, 2005



I have been on my pity-pot for a little while now. When I think about it, I have nothing to gripe about. Lately, I have felt very apart from, I've felt left out. I can paint a very sad and pitiful picture. The reality is that there are plenty of people who like me and like to hang out with me. The reality also is I TRULY ENJOY MY OWN COMPANY. I do not mind being alone and doing things by myself - I would almost say i prefer it. lol But not all the time. I do enjoy hanging out with friends. I enjoy cooking for my friends a lot. I like when they come over and hang out. I like going to their houses and hanging out too.

Today was an especially difficult day with my pitiful self. I have been running around for work, seemingly putting out fires t aht I started.... feels like busy work. You know, like a dog on linoleum - lots of activity but getting no where FAST! So I finally get to the YMCA to do some cardio. That felt good. 45 mins. I;m gonna be a skinny bitch one day - you watch and see. I came home and was doing my "poor pitiful me" thinking routine. And I noticed an envelope on the floor - upside down. I knew is was from Jack. Jack is an older gentlemen from Dallas that I emailed a few months ago. He was helping locate a certain speaker. Then I met Jack in Dallas over Memorial Day Weekend. We chatted for what was maybe 10 or 15 minutes. I received an email from him about 2 weeks ago asking for my mailing address and I sent it to him. He said he was having some old speaker tapes converted to CD's and wanted to send me a copy. He mentioned a particular speaker who I have heard on tape and lost my copy. GREAT STORY! So I got excited. I got my copy of the CD and Jack included a few more CD's and a tape. He also wrote me the kindest note. That's when it hit me - I am very much a part of something sooooo big. People all over like me. I have so many friends in so many parts of the country. And all the little things in life are such wonderful gifts. I really needed this package today. I received it at just the right moment. I have listened to the CD's and already made copies for people. I have to spread the joy and the message.

So today I am grateful that at the right moment, at the right place, and just the right circumstances everything, absolutely everything unfolds as it is supposed to. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world my mistake.

When in doubt, call me and I will remind you what a BIG part of my life you are! Thank you for writing this blog. It gives me an opportunity to connect with you day or night!
You are such a beautiful person. I hope someday I can meet you in person.
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