Saturday, July 02, 2005
I Believe
I believe in romance. I believe in holding hands and hugs, tight I-do-not-want-to-let-go HUGS. I believe in looking into eyes and seeing the soul. I believe in that nervousness of first dates. I believe in closing eyes to kiss.... That very first kiss with so many butterflies fluttering around my belly. I believe in small peck-like kisses and tender kisses and kisses filled with so much passion there is a flame that bursts from the parting lips. Kisses that tell, reveal the fondness within. I believe in holding and being held, not quite cuddling and not quite a hug - yet. And the cuddling and the hugging follow closely. And then, that certain position in hugging where my face, my nose, my lips are right there at the nape of your neck...Smelling, pecking, tenderly kissing, and being so close. I believe in flirting. I believe in talking and smiling... And that silent language being the best flirting. I believe in talking and communicating using smiles, and eyebrows, and lips and eyes. I believe in winking and smirking. Flirting even more. I believe in desire, In trust, I even believe in being vulnerable. I believe I am desirable. I believe. Tonight I believe. I believe in butterfly-filled bellies, heart-filled eyes, warm thoughts and fiery passion. I believe in romance. Yes tonight I believe. I believe in love. All forms, all aspects, boundless and eternal. From humble beginings to long-time and long-lived love. I believe. My God, I am certain, I believe.