Friday, May 13, 2005


Searching and Finding

I moved into my house a little over a year ago. I have been diligently looking, searching for perfect pieces of furniture that fit and show my personality.... Really, I've been nesting.....hahahaha Seriously though, I have been working on making this house my home. I've been finding exactly what I want and what I like and what is affordable. I am dumbfounded at how people listen when I am speaking because I have over the last year received many phone calls from different friends and acquaintances to inform me of items that they thought might work for me and to "go look." This is how i found my dining room table chairs and a painting in the dining room. I got a call from my dear friend, Hot Yoga Chick to let me know that she found a butcher block table for my kitchen. (this is my latest obsession - a butcher block table) I have seen 4 over the past year that were perfect but due to my procrastination, I have missed out. One has to be reasonable and stick to a budget. These suckers can go from $199 to well over a $1,000. yikes! So Hot Yoga Chick finds one at Crate and Barrell, within my price range. She leaves me a long detailed voice mail describing it, left the web address and the stock number even! I have the best friends ever. I laughed and saved the voice mail. Looked at the table but decided against it. I think Hot Yoga Chick was soooooo sweet to think of me and my house and pass along the information and in such an entertaining manner. :)

I had dinner with Daddy Long Legs. He gave me another book that is part of my 5th anniversary. Ralph Blum's Little Book of Runic Wisdom. It's a meditation book. Today's entry is from the Bhagavad Gita. Coincidence - I think not considering how I am a yoga geek and this morning I decided it was time to get a new daily meditation book. I started my search this morning and found it this evening. All part of the grand design.

I got a call today from a friend that has been relapsing. I am glad I was available. I just want to remind myself by saying that twelfth step work is very important. Yet another example of searching and finding....quite possibly without even knowing it.

i kinda like it around here. it's fresh and clean. smells real good, too.
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