Thursday, May 12, 2005


On Awakening and Retiring at Night

I woke up early this morning and had lots to get done for work, make time to have lunch with Mary Christmas, go on more appointments, run errands and I was exhausted thinking about all of this over my first cup of coffee. I remembered to get still and slowly think about my day as I let the dog out.....looking in my back yard I was excited to see the blooms from some plants that the Affluent Bohemian's mom gave me last fall. And then I noticed that the Iris was blooming too. It's a walking Iris which means that the bloom will weigh the stalk down till it hits the ground and then takes root again. Very interesting and even more beautiful. Then I noticed that the basil is coming back. It is so fragrant. Last year it was HUGE! I am paying special attention to it. And there are so many tiny plants already growing up next to it from the seeds..... I thought to myself this morning..."What a great way to start the day. Such beautiful fruits of my gardening labor."

I had coffee with Daddy long Legs this afternoon. I enjoy going to Starbuck's and just chatting with friends. We talked about some of the aspects of the blog I do not yet understand. He is going to help me change up the design a bit... I cant wait.

Tonight I had Dinner With Mary Christmas, Maxeen, & MIA. Afterward we played canasta.... Such a fun game. We laughed so hard and cut up and basically ACTED A FOOL! I love my friends and the joy the bring into my life. So, from on awakening to retiring at night....My day has been full.

My dear blog-friendly friend, I anxiously await the challenge that Sunday afternoon at Maxxeen's will bring.... LET'S PLAY CANASTA!!!
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