Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Gibberish Wednesday

Barbed Wire. That is what I think I feel in my underarms....No, wait. It is just the hair growing back. I have never shaved my underarms before last Saturday. I've done drag a couple of times before and have always refused to shave my chest and underarms. Then, for other reasons, shaving my chest became a regular thing. It does not hurt or itch to grow back there. My underarms are another story. Honestly, itching, burning, lots of little hairs growing back, stabbing me! OUCH! It is tender there, you know. I don't think I'll be doing this again anytime soon. Next time I am wearing a full, long sleeve dress covering my underarms so I don't have to shave.

Missing people. I miss the Serene Silver Fox, aka Llama Lady or Mama Llama Lady. We spoke today. I wish she was here or me there.....NO! I wish she was just here. I like it here. I don't know why she got a wild hair to move. I miss you!

I miss the Affluent Bohemian. We spoke today too, She lives in Houston and we both have pretty busy lives. I am amazed that we make time as often as we do. But we are going on a long time now....Maybe 2 months.....Feels like 6 months. I love her! She is my biggest fan and is always there to offer support.

I miss my dear friend, Princess Yogini from San Francisco. We spoke today too. She caught me up on a friend of ours. It was so nice to hear her voice. I love talking to her.

I went to yoga class. I miss going regularly. I had a superb class. I have noticed though that I have stiffened up. I was able to do the strength poses but not so much the flexibility ones. Oh well, I'll take it in stride. I'll be contorting myself again in no time.

I came home and Goddess Mother came over for dinner. I miss her too. We have not been so regular on our get togethers either. She brought penne pasta and meat sauce. Yumm! I made a spinach salad with blueberries and raspberries and sunflower seeds. And for dessert, we had sorbet. Two flavors, peach and lemon.

I've been doing laundry since I got home around 6:45. I DO NOT MISS DOING LAUNDRY! ughh! This is the worst chore for me. I cant wait till I find my handsome prince that will do my laundry for me. Yes, I live in a fantasy world.

I feel the same way about cooking that you do about laundry. Please GOD let me find a boyfriend who likes to cook! :)
Thanks for the card C. It was my pleasure.
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