Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Delightful Surprise

I went to a meeting last night and ran into Jim from One Gay At A Time. He was sitting across the room from me and kept looking at me. It made me a little uncomfortable. (obviously I had not recognized him as it was a dimm room) So in my head I am thinking this guy is being awfully forward just staring. THen I figured I would stare back and when I did I finally saw who it was and was just ALL SMILES. It took everything I had not to run acrooos the room and hug him. I like surprises like that. You know, When I am just gong along with life, placing on foot in front of the other and then a friend from far away is right in front of me. AWESOME! It was nice to spend some time with afterward and catch up. if you had not been to his blog, go. Lots of eye candy. :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Living Life

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted. I have constantly been wanting to post things going on; so many things happening. You know - LIFE.

I have been so swamped with work and volunteer stuff, and yoga and well, my life is pretty full. At the same time, everything, it seemed, was getting to me. There was so much going on that I had to start eliminating some things from my schedule. Sadly, blogging was one of them. I cant believe I have not even been reading blogs! I have quite a bit of catching up to do with reading and writing. I will say that I am now making a commitment to posting a several times a week.

I had become a little obsessd with blogging. lol Like everything that gets my attention - it's either all or nothing. :) I had to start making choices. I was reading and living vicariously, in a way, thru others blogs. Instead, I decided to start living life. Life, its seemed at times, was passing me by. It was time to live life and truly practice what I had been taught in all areas of my life. It was time to Let No One Steal My Peace.

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