Monday, February 27, 2006



Pro-cras-tin-a-tion = a fancy, five syllable word for sloth.

Basically being LAZY.

I cannot believe that it has been a month since I posted. The month of February has flown by. So much has happened. I have been meaning to post every day and, well, for some reason, sloth, I mean Procrastination set in.

It started Feb 1st.
I went to yoga and decided that I was going to do the Bikram Challenge. “Come to class everyday for 60 days and I will give you a new body, a new life and a new mind.” I had a conversation with the Fearless Leader in San Fran. And told her about the challenge. She replied by saying. ’60 classes in 60 days. Ok. That sounds like a good start – I guess. It doesn’t end there. Why don’t you just go every day – period.” She is so hardcore and she had a point. It is not about the 60 days.This is about a way of life.
BUT, since I have commitment challenges, I was gonna do as many as I could with the mind set of going every day. In just a few classes, my body was changing, my life was getting different, and I had a different outlook. My mind, my way of thinking was changing. So I kept going. I did eight days consecutively. Wow! I has been a long time since I had practiced like this and the idea of a regular, consistent, and strong practice motivated me to WANT to keep up the pace.

Then, Hot Yoga Chick and hey Husband had to go out to LA for the US National Yoga Asana Competition and the International Yoga Asana Competition. We all went last year and had so much fun. This year, however, not all of us could go. I decided I would stay behind and pick up the slack, teaching while they were gone. Well, I taught A LOT. I won’t go into those details. It did however interfere with my own practice. I practiced a couple more times on my own. And then the number of classes I was teaching was too great to even try to practice on my own. When they got back and I resumed my regular life and returned to my day job. (thank God for my day job that affords me the opportunity to take time off to teach fulltime every so often) I needed a day just to me, so now I had missed four days. FUCK!
During the time they were gone, Valentine’s happened. I cannot believe I missed it. Last year I had one of the best Valentine’ ever with My Little Man. I still read the card he gave me from time to time. I guess I have moved past him now. But then again, do we ever? It was probably a good thing that I did not get to notice Valentine’s Day. I will say that The Yoga Princess in San Fran called a left a beautiful, awesome, heartfelt message about me and our friendship and what our friendship means to her. She said that he was lucky to have me in her life. I was filled with tears or joy. Someone remembered to call and leave a message. I needed that.

So I went to practice and started up again. I was determined that I was not giving up yet. I could do t classes on weekends and attempt to catch up. So on Saturday I went to practice in the morning and returned again in the afternoon. A double. Yay! I had not done a double since my training seminar. I felt awesome! I love, love, love this yoga. I am passionate. I KNOW that it works and have experienced the miracles that come about through practice.
Not connected with that. I woke up on Sunday with a raspy voice. I tend to lose my voice every so often. In fact, the last tiem I lost my voice was almost 6 years ago. I do not get sick often – yet another benefit of regular practice. I started my little hot tea, honey and lemon regiment. Monday it was worse. Since I had taken time to off to teach I was a bit behind on my regular projects. I COULD NOT AFFORD TO BE SICK. I went to work. I have been all over Texas it seems getting things done. Tuesday was not better and a terrible cough set in. ugh! So what now. I am still out there selling my little heart out while cough up my lungs. I also had to start my next project. Overlapping them in opposite ends of Texas it seems. So there I go. I believe that the only ting helping was the tea/lemon/honey crap I kept drinking. It was keeping my voice at the point just above being non-existent so that I could keep going.

I tried to go to the doctor, but he was out that week, sick too. Fuck! This is a new doctor. My regular doctor has been in practice for so long that he does not take new patients and ONLY sees patients twice a week – mornings only. I figured it was time to find a new doctor and had picked this one. So they referred me to a minor emergency clinic. I called the clinic and was on hold for ever. I hate that shit so I hung up and decided it was not that bad. That was Thursday. That night I coughed so much and so hard I did not sleep. In fact I think I may have fallen asleep/pass out about 2:30 or 3 am. I woke up at 6:30coughing again. I had to do something. So on Friday I went to the clinic. Well. Guess what? It was an Emergency Room. It would count on my ER co-pay. I am $500 worth of sick! And it would be about a 6 hour wait since true emergencies would be seen before me. I left. Called my doctor again and he was in. It was about noon. I was go run over but the girl kept insisting could not see me and that I needed to talk to the office manager – who was off that day so I could leave a voice mail. I left a message and was very frustrated. I could not have another sleepless night. I decided to call my regular Doctor – the one I was leaving. I knew he would not be in the office. His office manager remembered me. I have been going to him since I was 19. That is 15 years. She said he now only sees patients in the office on Monday mornings. I could not wait till Monday. I was beat. She referred me to a new doc in the same building. I called, got in, and was seen. They were so friendly. The doctor had a good sense of humor and a great bedside manner. I wish I could say he was hot, but that is not the case. I have decided that he is gonna be my new doc. I already have another appointment with him for a physical. He gave a prescription for antibiotics and Robitussin with codeine.
Over this past weekend, I have still been coughing up a storm. BUT I am able to sleep at night. My voice is back and I am about to go full swing for about 2 weeks as I am working very hard deadlines. So much stuff is going on at work. I am very tense about it. I have to get back into my yoga practice. Being sick did not help out. Now it’s been like 10 days since I have practiced. I will get back into it though. I know that. Especially when I think of it as a way of life.

I just had to get this post out. I could not let the month of February go by with nothing written. February has historically been my most successful month. I make more money in this one month that any other of the year. So that contributed to my procrastination on posting as well. I am gonna try to de my best to post regularly and practice yoga regularly. When I practice regularly, I know that No One Can Steal My Peace. And besides, I have to keep in mind that I am shaped by everything in my life, no one thing defines me completely.

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